Birli Gallery & Press
Arts Representation & Gallery
Cultural Consultancy
Publishing & Editing Services

Birli Gallery & Press is a small, family-owned independent creative arts and consultancy business located in Boorloo, (Perth) Western Australia.
Birli is a Wajarri word meaning together. As a modern Australian family with links to the Malgana and Yamaji peoples, we seek to honour the Ancestors of this beautiful land, share stories of marginalised cultural groups and promote unity, truth, treaty and togetherness.​​
We offer a wide range of services including the following:
Arts Representation & Gallery Opportunities
Cultural Education
Workplace Leadership Workshops
Student Leadership Workshops
Coaching & Mentoring from an Aboriginal Perspective
Editing & Publishing Services
With industry experience across the arts, media, trade, counselling and Indigenous development roles, our passion in promoting and forging new paths for all people is the driving force behind our company​.​
We are committed to playing our part in bringing together all Australians and ensuring every opportunity is accessible to all. We specialise in bringing the untold stories to the mainstream, with a focus on melding contemporary and historical perspectives to stimulate discussion and promote critical thinking and widespread positive cultural change in homes, workplaces, schools and communities.
Our Services
Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.

Arts Representation & Gallery
Birli Gallery & Press are proud to represent a number of exceptional Western Australian artists and creatives. With a wide variety of talented people in the team, we provide large scale installations for public art, manage bespoke commissions, sell amazing collectible pieces and curate and manage exhibition opportunities.
Birli Gallery currently represents:
Birli Gallery also hosts exhibitions for emerging artists. For more information or to request representation or exhibition opportunities please contact admin@birlipress.com

Birli Press is proud to partner with local and national authors to bring only the best in reading to your shelves. We love to meld contemporary and historical perspectives to stimulate discussion and promote critical thinking.
From children's books to autobiographies, we seek to promote storytelling that motivates, moves and inspires. As a 100% Aboriginal owned publishing and editing company we focus on ensuring the diverse voices and stories of our people are heard and recorded.
We also service the corporate sector; editing periodicals, journals and reports.
Buy our latest release here: Muriel The Medicycle eBook : Carey, Rick: Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store

Aboriginal Australians are recognised as the oldest living culture on earth, and yet are possibly one of the least understood, respected and revered.
Birli Press is committed to the ongoing provision of educational programs that help to bridge the divide between Aboriginal culture and mainstream Australia.​
We offer the following workshops:
Cultural Competency in the Workplace
Raising Respectful Men
Supporting Aboriginal Children in School Environments
Want to learn more about our services? Get in touch today and see what we can offer you.